Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Aion Bypass Points Hacks Cheats

Aion Bypass Points Hacks Cheats

1. 20,000 -120,000 ABYSS POINTS for Lvl 10 - 12ish
You need 2 chars from each faction [1 asmos, 1 elyos]
The Char (named A from asmos) that will earn 10-110k AP has to be Lvl10 - 12.
With A, enter the opposition faction through a rift. (not easy since you are low level but should be fine if you go with a group)
Now open another client and log in using B (from elyos). Go buy a small resurrection kiosk and look for A in the elyos map.
After meeting up, B set up a resurrection kiosk for A to hit.
After A finishes off the kiosk, he should earn 20-120k AP. I think level 13 only get like 2k or something. (much lower than level 10) but try anyway.

2) This 1 is harder but works for any level from 10-20. You need a spiritmaster from (for eg Asmos) and a level 10-20 character B from (for eg Elyos)
Meet up like above. The spiritmaster summon a pet for B to hit. The pet will not retaliate, don't worry.
Depending on the level of the spiritmaster's pet, B will earn between 20+AP to 200+AP (level 30 is the highest i have tested)
The bug here is that the pet gives abyss points when killed on opponent land (non-abyss)
Extremely easy abyss points

  • Buy some teleportation scrolls and use your AP as soon as you got them. You have been warned.
  • Both Asmos and Elyos have many hills in their deserts. Use these hills to farm your abyss points. Don't do it on flat terrain. It's suicide.
  • Do it during early morning (china time)


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